For any overseas trip all the terms and conditions below apply where applicable. Overseas trips have no refunds. Once deposits are paid, payments are non refundable. Please also read items 16 and 18 carefully.
Any family travelling with Football Smarts Academy must agree to be fully insured for Health and Travel. They travel at their own risk and each family designates a duty of care to their child form a parent/guardian or spectator.
For Adelaide-based sessions, all players must attend the designated venue each day and have their name marked off on arrival.
In the event of extreme inclement weather ‘Football Smarts Academy’ / ‘Football Smarts’ reserves the right to extend the period of the clinic by one day and or an afternoon session, to ensure completion of the required hours of instruction.
There is no part refund once the day’s session has commenced.
Any clinic cancellation refund will be processed within ten working days of the last scheduled clinic of the school holiday period.
Receipts will only be issued if specifically requested.
Should you require verification of acceptance to any clinic please contact info@footballsmarts.org as no formal acknowledgement will be forwarded.
All participants are required to wear shin pads, football socks, and soccer boots to all sessions. They should also bring Joggers/trainers (preferably with clear/white sole) as these are required should it be necessary to use an indoor facility.
Cancellation fees are applicable. A cancellation and refund cost 25% of fees, see below for reasons.
Fees are not refundable within ten (10) days of the scheduled commencement date of the clinic. Any request for refunds before this date will incur a 40% cancellation fee.
There will be no full refunds. Please see below.
No participant shall take the place of any other registered player at a clinic for any reason without the full knowledge and consent of the coach and the appropriate forms being completed for insurance purposes and fees being paid.
All registration forms must be processed through the email on this form
Please note that any property left behind at the clinics will be kept for a period of one month and if not claimed will then be donated to charity.
‘Football Smarts Academy’ or ‘Football Smarts’ will not be responsible for any loss, damage or injury/death arising directly or indirectly in connection with the participation of your child / children in any coaching program, clinic or activity conducted by or on behalf of ‘Football Smarts’. The under signed acknowledges and agrees that in registering your child / children in the program you do so at your own risk and you accept the risks of your child / children participating in such a program. You hereby release and discharge ‘Football Smarts Academy’ / ‘Football Smarts, its staff and/or contractors and any related bodies corporate and its servants and agents, from any claims which you or your child / children now or at any time may have in connection with or incidental to your child / children’s participation in the program. Nothing in this waiver is intended to exclude anything, which cannot be excluded by law. In the event of an injury or illness to your child / children, you hereby consent to ‘Football Smarts Academy’ / ‘Football Smarts’, and associated coaching staff to arrange any medical treatment that may be required (including, without limitation, any ambulance transport). You agree to pay on demand all medical costs incurred in relation to any injury or illness to your child / children that are not already covered by your own private health fund or Medicare.
The under signed understands that your child / children may be photographed or filmed using VEO or other while participating in the program and you hereby give permission for the use of your child’s / children’s name and photographic likeness to be used in all forms of media for the promotion of any activity undertaken by ‘Football Smarts Academy’ / ‘Football Smarts’. VEO is special software which follows the ball in a game. This can be very useful for coaching purposes or for providing evidence to a young player of something they are doing that is worth remembering!
Indemnity & Release: The person signing the application must understand that signing the document affects their legal rights. The person signing understands that there are certain risks involved in the sport/activity that could result in injury and/or death. Football involves tackling and body contact which could lead to serious injury and/or death. The applicant signs the document in full knowledge that they have read the preceding document and understands it in full.
Football Smarts Academy reserve the right to refuse applications from persons we feel will jeopardise the integrity of our development courses & to remove disruptive or abusive players at their discretion.
Players registered will remain on the course until completion, any players wishing to leave during a course will receive no refunds of monies paid and will be responsible for their own transport home.
All players registered with Football Smarts Academy are accountable for their behaviour and conduct. Any abuse (physical or verbal) against members of the public, staff or other players will be treated with ZERO tolerance and will result in the immediate removal from Football Smarts Academy. Football Smarts Academy reserves the right to request the removal from the session, of any child causing significant disruption or safety risk to themselves or others children.
If a player is seriously injured where an Ambulance is required, Football Smarts Academy and its officers will call for an ambulance if the player’s Parent(s)/Guardian(s) are not immediately available to grant authorisation at the cost of the player.
Sessions are cancelled if the school or club have shut down their venue for hire or if the weather is severe and training is not considered possible. If sessions are cancelled for COVID reasons attributed to the venue, a makeup session will apply. *Omicron update: If a family has to miss more than one session due to being a close contact or if there is a positive COVID case within the family unit than a credit note will be given. The family will be able to make up the lost days at the next holiday academy.
Not attending when a session has not been officially cancelled by Football Smarts Academy means the session is lost
Football Smarts Academy is committed to being sun aware. All children must wear a sun hat during the sessions. We also strongly recommend arriving with sunscreen already applied, and to have enough fluids for the duration of the sessions
Once payment has been received no refunds will be provided except with prior written agreement from Football Smarts Academy. No refund will be given if you change your mind. If your child suffers a long-term illness such as a broken limb, or other extreme circumstances, please notify Football Smarts Academy straight away. Football Smarts Academy will consider putting accounts on hold or issue a credit note at its discretion as above.
If a player/family purchase an 8-week block they are purchasing for the Term indicated in the dates. Only in extenuating circumstances will Football Smarts Academy allow the 8-week block to be moved to another time and the academy has the right to make this decision. Once the player has started any 8-week block, no changes will be made.
In the event of extreme inclement weather ‘Football Smarts Academy’ / ‘Football Smarts’ reserves the right to extend the period of the clinic by one day and or an afternoon/evening session, to ensure completion of the required hours of instruction.
There is no part refund once the day’s session has commenced. If a half day is only offered due to extreme heat (or stopped due to weather) and no indoor venue is available, then the session is considered completed.
If Football Smarts Academy coaches deem that a player will need extra support to guarantee a duty of care and to maximise their learning and/or to not disrupt learning for other players – any extra coaching/teaching fees for any remaining days will be negotiated to provide necessary support. If negotiation is unable to provide the necessary care or support, fees for any remaining days will be refunded to a maximum of 80%.
We reserve the right to amend these Terms and Conditions at any time. Any such changes will be effective immediately upon posting on the website. You should regularly check this page for any amendments
Aged 5-12
Up to 30 degrees
Outdoors: Training and games allowed.
Indoors: allowed with air conditioner
31 - 34 degrees
Outdoors: Training and games allowed until 10.30am or after 4.30pm. Holiday clinics may be modified to indoors / shorter sessions.
Indoors: allowed with air conditioner
35 - 37 degrees
Outdoors: Training and games allowed until 10.00 am. Session cancelled if no alternative indoor venue.
Indoors: allowed with air conditioner
38 and above
Outdoors: No training. Session cancelled if no alternative indoor venue.
Indoors: allowed with air conditioner
Age 13+
Up to 30 degrees
Outdoors: Training and games allowed.
Indoors: allowed with air conditioner
31 - 34 degrees
Outdoors: Training and games allowed until 11.30am or after 4.30pm. Holiday clinics may be modified to indoors / shorter sessions.
Indoors: allowed with air conditioner
35 - 37 degrees
Outdoors: Training and games allowed until 10.30am. Session cancelled if no alternative indoor venue.
Indoors: allowed with air conditioner
38 and above
Outdoors: No training. Session cancelled if no alternative indoor venue.
Indoors: allowed with air conditioner